The second edition of my first book, Paper View: In Print, based on the podcast, is now available! The book is up-to-date and places current events into their true context, which is the point of Paper View. Events and happenings are presented as random and strands by the mainstream media. We are denied the essential context to connect those strands to form a tapestry. I seek to connect those strands with my podcasts and books.
I wrote the first edition of this book in 2019 and since then, the world has seen the Covid-19 ‘pandemic’, the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the resulting economic and financial consequences. Now seems the perfect time to update and produce a second edition of this book. I have seen various elements of the agenda, which I laid-out in the first edition, play out since 2020. I have now been uncovering and communicating suppressed and lifechanging information for over half my life. The world may be turning a darker shade of dystopia, but I remain convinced that brighter times lie ahead for humanity. Eight billion people cannot be controlled by a relative handful unless the eight billion give their power away. The powers that shouldn’t be, who I will call the global Cult, may seem powerful and omnipotent, but they are terrified humanity will realise its true power and call their bluff at a moment’s notice. That moment is coming, no matter how dire things may seem currently.
The world is run by a cult with global reach and power with a nightmare agenda for humanity. Never before has their agenda been described so concisely, clearly and comprehensively between the covers of one book … until now. Paper View: In Print is a book you will be referring back to many times when seeing current events unfold and society changing around you. Over nearly 530 pages, Daniel Ford provides an invaluable guide to the world and current events.
More info. here: