Paper View: In Print (Second Edition) - Now Available!!

The second edition of my first book, Paper View: In Print, based on the podcast, is now available! The book is up-to-date and places current events into their true context, which is the point of Paper View. Events and happenings are presented as random and strands by the mainstream media. We are denied the essential context to connect those strands to form a tapestry. I seek to connect those strands with my podcasts and books.

I wrote the first edition of this book in 2019 and since then, the world has seen the Covid-19 ‘pandemic’, the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the resulting economic and financial consequences. Now seems the perfect time to update and produce a second edition of this book. I have seen various elements of the agenda, which I laid-out in the first edition, play out since 2020. I have now been uncovering and communicating suppressed and life￾changing information for over half my life. The world may be turning a darker shade of dystopia, but I remain convinced that brighter times lie ahead for humanity. Eight billion people cannot be controlled by a relative handful unless the eight billion give their power away. The powers that shouldn’t be, who I will call the global Cult, may seem powerful and omnipotent, but they are terrified humanity will realise its true power and call their bluff at a moment’s notice. That moment is coming, no matter how dire things may seem currently.

The world is run by a cult with global reach and power with a nightmare agenda for humanity. Never before has their agenda been described so concisely, clearly and comprehensively between the covers of one book … until now. Paper View: In Print is a book you will be referring back to many times when seeing current events unfold and society changing around you. Over nearly 530 pages, Daniel Ford provides an invaluable guide to the world and current events.

More info. here:

"Reality Check" E-book now available everywhere!!

My latest book, “Reality Check”, is now available as an E-book:






Thalia (Netherlands)

How to Research (Tips from half a lifetime uncovering hidden information)

How to Research
(Tips from half a lifetime of uncovering hidden information)

Try to be as official as you can - Verify alternative claims with official information
A claim on an alternative website means nothing unless it can be backed up with something official such as a document or an article on an official website, for example. Consult official and alternative sources to find a second opinion

Try to find the same information from more than one source
Multiple sources confirming the same claim does not in itself guarantee accuracy, but it lends credibility

Use a variety of sources
The internet is the greatest repository of information in human history but it cannot be your only source. Books, documents, videos, interviews and personal accounts among other sources must also be consulted. When I wrote my book, Reality Check, I read a total of 11 books as part of my research among other sources. A claim in a book, however, is not a guarantee of accuracy. Always try to verify claims from any source. A quote in a book, or from any other source, should also be checked to ascertain that it’s a genuine quote

Insight, intuition and synchronicity
Information does not always have to come to us through tangible sources. Insight, intuition and personal experience can also expand our understanding. Try to back up any insight or intuitive knowledge with tangible sources, and as always, the more official, the better.

Question everything - ask ‘silly’ questions
Take nothing for granted. As Mark Twain said, “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble; it’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so”. Question everything. Ask silly questions to this end; it’s surprising how much you can learn when asking fundamental questions

Let the information be your guide, not preconceived idea
As Socrates is quoted as saying, “Wisdom is knowing how little we know”. Humility is essential when researching. Never dismiss a claim because it sounds ‘far-out’. How do you know your perception of possibility is grounded in truth? Never take the prevailing ‘norm’ as the arbiter of truth. Never take any establishment’s view as the arbiter of truth. Never accept what an ‘expert’ says merely because they are qualified or have vast experience. They may say useful and correct statements, but they cannot be relied on as the only source. Question everything. Your information and research alone should be your method of discernment. Keep an open mind to all possibility.

Insights can come in quiet moments. 

Starting points:
Here are the some of the most reliable and consistently accurate online sources I have seen and used over the last 17 years:
The Daily Expose
Daily Sceptic
Activist Post

New book - "Reality Check" - Now available!!

I am delighted to announce that my new book, Reality Check, is now available!!

I started writing Reality Check in late 2020 shortly after Paper View: In Print was published.

I have been on the journey of uncovering and communicating the truth of world events, society and who runs the world for half my life and I am now in my 17th year. The two books are my life’s work so far and I will only continue going deeper down the rabbit hole and communicating information as the years pass. Reality Check is as deep as I have gone so far down the rabbit hole but the journey is ongoing. As the name suggests, the book covers the nature of reality, how we create it and how we can use that knowledge of reality and the true self behind the human illusory labels to free ourselves and create a world of new awareness and respect for humanity.

The book is the most controversial and explosive book of modern times … and probably the rest. and I am sure even some aware of alternative information will find challenging and surprising information in the book. The central theme of the book is to question everything and in the book, I examine why people don’t question and the true depths of programming and psychological manipuiation that makes this the case. The chapter “Everybody Thinks That”, named after the common phrase, “Everybody knows that”, will show just how little we really do know and why it is so fundamental to question everything to get a grip on anything. When combined with Paper View: In Print, this becomes stunningly more apparent. Events since 2020 have taken the form they have because people don’t question. Never before in human history has reassessing perception been more necessary than it is today.

The book demolishes the Covid hoax and takes it apart strand-by-strand showing the extent of the hoax including the fraud of virology not just for the Covid-19 virus, SARS-CoV-2, but viruses in general. A separate chapter on the Covid vaccine covers facts, figures and information destroying the idea that the vaccine is either safe or effective or even a vaccine in the traditional sense.

The book is up-to-date and includes analysis on the truckers convoy in Canada, the conflict with Russia, Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum and the role it plays in global politics and the destruction of the global economy leading to the cost-of-living crisis and the global supply chain.

We live in extraordinary times and face the most enormous challenge to our individual and collective freedom. Reality Check could not have been published at a more important and necessary time for humanity and planet Earth.

Second Opinion - Seventh Episode!!

I recently interviewed Mike Donio for Second Opinion. It was a great discussion on Science, the unscientific nature of Science today and how Science should be conducted. Here is the episode description:

Science is the study of the Universe and planet Earth, exploring new frontiers, free of bias, belief or
corruption, to make sense of our incredible and mysterious Universe. New discoveries are communicated and reported to the public through the media which heal sickness and improve life for the global population. Education encourages open minded skepticism and healthy debate, and the public are given all sides of every scientific story.

However, some see Science as a series of fragmented disciplines ruled by bias and corruption, with limitations on reporting through the media and a global Cult in control of the scientific establishment whose narrative is repeated through the education system which rewards compliance to its doctrine and punishes questioning and deviating from its narrative. Scientists forging their own path and challenging conventional beliefs see funding stop, mocking from colleagues and derision and ridicule in the media.

Here to discuss these issues with me is Mike Donio, an oncologist, researcher and published scientific author with a master of science degree. Donio was let go from his previous job for refusing to take the Covid-19 vaccine and now challenges the scientific establishment, highlighting the importance of challenging convention, conducting controlled, honest, experiments and, most importantly, questioning everything!

The episode is available here:

Second Opinion - Sixth episode guest announcement!!

I am glad to announce that the guest for the next episode of Second Opinion is Dr. Tom Cowan!!

I have interviewed Tom before here:

talked with Tom about Germ Theory in the last interview - What are germs and do they really cause disease? Do viruses even exist? How does the body keep itself healthy? All these questions and more are answered in the first episode. In the upcoming interview, I will talk with Tom about immunity, coherent water, why the heart is not a pump and the Covid vaccine.

Any questions about Covid, germs, immunity, the Covid vaccine or any other health subject? Use the Contact form on this website and I’ll ask them during the interview!

The interview will be uploaded on Thursday 21st April. Stay tuned!!

How does a virologist identify a virus and prove that it causes disease?

 The most fundamental question of our time is not being asked never mind answered - How does a virologist discover a new virus and prove that it causes disease? Without understanding the answer to this simple question, nobody can possibly claim the existence of a virus or a pandemic, so with that in mind, I will explain in this article the answer to that question. The answer is two-fold. The first part answers how virus discovery should be conducted; the second part answers how it is conducted. If you have an open mind and reasonable intelligence, you will see the obvious flaws in the fraud known as virus discovery. I have gathered this information from watching interviews and video explanations from medical doctors and virologists as well as interviews for my podcast Second Opinion, conventional scientific explanations of viruses and viral discovery and examining the published scientific literature. Anyone with an open mind can verify this information for themselves.

Virus Isolation

The foundation requirement for discovering a virus is to isolate the virus from any other material. The reasons for this will become clear as we proceed. The steps to isolate a virus are very simple and easily understandable. First, a body fluid sample is taken (blood, phlegm, mucus, lung fluid etc.) and passed through a filter with customised pore size. The particular type of filtration is known as micropore filtration leaving nanoscopic particles. This discards bacteria and other microbes and material bigger than viral particles. This technique leaves filtered fluid and not isolated viral particles. The next step involves an ultracentrifuge, a column spun at high speed using centrifugal force, hence the name, with a density gradient solution added, which separates material by molecular weight. Viral particles, if there are any to be found, will form one of various bands in the centrifuge which can then be extracted with a pipette and examined under an electron microscope which is the only microscope which can see particles the size of a virus. This process leaves you with only viral particles and no other genetic or bodily material hence the term ‘isolation’ also known as purification, in other words, a pure sample. This technique can be used to purify viruses which attack bacteria known as bacteriophages, giant viruses living on sea algae and exosomes which are naturally occurring secretions of a damaged cell in the body with remarkable resemblance to viruses as I will explain later. In short, the technology exists to perform this technique with viruses and has existed for decades. Any virology laboratory has this equipment as standard. However, this process has never been performed for any pathogenic virus. As extraordinary as that statement might seem, anybody seeking to disprove that claim will not find a single scientific paper describing this process for any disease-causing virus in the entire history of viral scientific literature.

Viral Culture

A process called viral isolation involves the use of a tissue culture to prove viral existence, disease causation, to sequence the genome, to take electron microscope images of the virus and to produce a vaccine for the virus. This method was developed in 1954 and has become the standard method of virus proof and causation. The process begins also with the extraction of bodily fluid which is then inoculated onto tissue in a culture, which is most commonly Vero cells (monkey kidney tissue). Before the experiment, the tissue is kept healthy and grows incredibly well. Then, the experiment starts and a culture medium known as minimal nutrient medium is added to the culture. The mediums have different names with different compositions and amounts of material in the mediums - amino acids, vitamins, glucose - which offer vital nutrition and allow the cells to continue their healthy growth. The different mediums are called DMEM, MEM or EMEM. These are known as basal media, meaning they contain only the minimum composition of vitamins, minerals and sugars to keep the tissue healthy. These must be supplemented with a source of protein which is lacking in the basal media and the most commonly used is FBS or Fetal Bovine Serum, sometimes called FCS or Fetal Calf Serum - the blood from a baby cow. Manufacturers state that 10% FBS should be added to the culture and this is the amount described in scientific papers before the experiment. However, once the experiment starts, the FBS is drastically reduced as low as 7% or 2%, meaning as much as 30% to 80% of the nutrition is removed from the culture thus starving the tissue, which is already only receiving minimal nutrition even at 10%. In cases when the nutrition is not reduced, and to compound the issue when it is, potent nephrotoxic drugs are added to rule out bacterial contamination. Nephrotoxic means toxic to kidneys! The most commonly used drugs are streptomycin, which is prescribed for strep throat, penicillin, gentamicin and amphotericin, the latter of which is nicknamed amphoterrible because of its effect on kidney tissue. A medical website describes a form of amphotericin, known as amphotericin B, also used in viral tissue cultures, and its nephrotoxicity in this way:

Amphotericin B binds to sterols in cell membranes, thereby creating pores that compromise membrane integrity and increase membrane permeability. It binds not only to ergosterol in fungal cell walls but also to cholesterol in human cell membranes; this is what accounts for its nephrotoxicity.

An article on the website of the prestigious scientific journal, Nature, describes gentamicin:

A recent study has shown that even one dose of this agent can lead to acute kidney injury. Nephrotoxicity induced by gentamicin represents a complex phenomenon which is characterized by ...severe proximal renal tubular necrosis.

The website of the National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine website in America says of gentamicin nephrotoxicity:

Gentamicin (GM) is causing tubular damage through: 1) necrosis of tubular epithelial cells, predominantly in proximal segment and 2) alteration of function of main cellular components involved in transport of water and solutes. The central aspect of GM nephrotoxicity is tubular cytotoxicity.

There are other antibiotics and antifungal drugs which could be used which are not nephrotoxic and other methods which don’t involve the use of drugs at all to remove bacteria from the culture but this is never done. The combination of starvation and poisoning of the tissue causes a cytopathic effect, meaning the monkey kidney tissue breaks down, which is the proof of viral existence and disease causation. More than that, this is the only proof virologists ever have for viral existence and disease causation. Everything else which follows is based on the viral culture, either through assumption that a virus has been proven in the culture or using the culture directly. Rigorous documented control experiments are never performed to establish that a virus caused the cytopathic effects and not the starvation and poisoning, in other words, the technique of the experiment itself. Again, anyone who disputes this claim, I would challenge them to find a paper proving this claim wrong. This process is fraudulently known as virus isolation when isolation means separation from anything else. This process involves mixing the ‘virus’ assumed to be present in the body fluid sample inoculated onto the tissue in the culture with everything else. When tissue breaks down, particles known as extracellular vesicles or microvesicular bodies are released. Tissue itself also breaks down into these vesicles which are erroneously labelled viruses. Without first purifying the virus, there is no way to conclude it was responsible for the cytopathic effect or that the particles seen in the culture are the virus but it can be concluded that the particles are extracellular vesicles which are naturally present in the body and are responses to damaged tissue. These particles are known to be latent in primate cells.


We can see that these two methods are very different and neither have been employed in the history of virology to present day to genuinely prove the existence of a pathogenic virus. Virology is far from an exact science. Virologic study would benefit greatly from a revision of its methods, a crucial step necessary in the field given the societal, governmental, economic and personal implications of relying on its methods and conclusions, never more so than now.

Second Opinion - Fifth Guest Announcement!!


I am excited to announce that Second Opinion’s next guest will be Dr. Andrew Kaufman MD.

Andrew Kaufman is a medical doctor and a natural healing consultant, inventor, public speaker, forensic psychiatrist, and expert witness. Dr. Kaufman completed psychiatric training at Duke University Medical Center after graduating from the Medical University of South Carolina. Dr. Kaufman has conducted and published original research. Kaufman also ran a start-up company to develop a medical device he invented and patented.

Dr. Kaufman is a guest I have long wanted to interview since even before Second Opinion began. I am really looking forward to interviewing him and challenging him on his views on viruses, the Wuhan lab leak theory and more. I will also be discussing the history of virology with him.

As ever, if you have any questions, use the form on the Contact page and I will ask them to Dr. Andy during the interview.

Second Opinion - Fourth episode guest announcement!!

Second Opinion’s next guest will be Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay Ph.D.

Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay is the Director of Toxicology and Molecular Biology for Toxicology Support Services, LLC. She holds a doctorate (PhD) in Bochemistry and Molecular Biology from the University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center-Houston. Dr. Lindsay has extensive experience in analyzing the molecular profile of pharmacologic responses as they pertain to the dose/response relationship. Her expertise centers on evaluating the complex dynamics of toxicity, such as toxicant pharmacology, exposure route, host metabolism, and subsequent cellular effects as they relate to the contribution of specific substances to impairment, health risk, or human disease. Dr. Lindsay has over 30 years of scientific experience with an emphasis on the study of inhalation toxicology involving pulmonary pathologies such as asthma, reactive airway disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asbestosis, mesothelioma and pulmonary fibrosis—that may be claimed following chemical, drug, or particulate exposure. Dr. Lindsay also has experience in performing health risk assessments and evaluating the toxicological profile of a variety of consumer and industrial products, chemicals and pollutants. Dr. Lindsay also has experience in analyzing and evaluating molecular markers of disease in the modern field of “Toxicogenomics”, particularly with respect to benzene and asbestos. Additonally, Dr. Lindsay performs forensic toxicology investigations with respect to cases involving drugs their effects and alcohol cases involving issues of impairment of pyschomotor functions.

Dr. Lindsay recently spoke at a meeting of the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunisation Practices outlining her views on the Covid-19 vaccine and its potential for impacting fertility and sterility, as well as causing blood clots and blood disorders. I will be talking with Dr. Lindsay about these issues and more. Dr Lindsay had a short time limit for her speech at the ACIP but will be given ample time with no censorship on Second Opinion…

I look forward to this interview and hope to clear up some of the confusion currently circulating about the Covid vaccine.

Stay tuned!!

Second Opinion - third episode guest announcement!!

I am genuinely delighted to announce that Second Opinion’s guest for the fourth episode will be David Icke!! I am personally very excited for this interview.

I’m sure many people reading this will know who David Icke is but for those who don’t know, David Icke is a former goalkeeper, journalist, news presenter, politician and, since 1990, a full-time investigator into who and what is really controlling the world and why. David has written over 20 books exploring his ideas and research, including blockbusters for the genre such as “The Biggest Secret”, “Everything You Need to Know but Have Never Been Told”, and “The Answer”. David has been pushing the cutting-edge forward for 31 years and his books are a treasure trove of grounbreaking and life-changing information not covered through mainstream sources. David has travelled to over 60 countries with presentations in 25 of them.

Many people, especially since 2020, are starting to ask more questions than ever before. The governmental response to ‘Covid'-19’ has opened the minds of people to start questioning the policy and motivations of those running our society globally, and whether a sinister agenda might be behind such actions.

David has also been the subject of unrelenting and ever increasing censorship as the frenzied purging of social media content and accounts challenging official narratives continues. David has also had speaking events and other live events cancelled merely for speaking his truth.

I will be talking about this with David and also asking him what The Answer is and how we can create a world where the people are respected and told the truth and not suppressed, controlled and lied to constantly. I will be also be talking to David about his new book “Perceptions of a Renegade Mind”.

I am advertisting this episode earlier than usual to allow for questions. If you have any questions you want me to ask David, just send me them via the form on the Contact page.

New video - "Cellular Breakdown"


The next video in the 3-part series “Virology: A Reappraisal” on viral culture has now been uploaded to the website!!

In this video, I look at the viral culture method and explain why, although it is claimed to isolate viruses, it is actually nothing of the kind, and the history of virology. Following on from "Paper Talk" in which I examine scientific papers claiming isolation of SARS-CoV-2, the virus claimed to cause Covid-19, and explaining why the methods described therein are not isolation, I look in this new video at the common methodology of 'isolating' and growing viruses known as cell culture and explain why this method does not prove isolation, the significance of the flaws in this method to viral discovery, and the history of virology. I also relate this to Covid-19. Check it out on the Videos page.

New video series!!


I uploaded a new video to the website called “Paper Talk”. In this video, I analyse the published scientific literature claiming isolation of SARS-CoV-2, the virus which is claimed to cause Covid-19, and explain why none of the papers examined in the video actually prove isolation. Without isolating a virus, it cannot be proven to exist as it cannot be photographed, sequenced, tested for or proven to cause disease. Everything that happens in society in the name of protection from a virus terms of policy and governmental policy and imposition is all based on the assumption that a virus has been isolated.

Stay tuned for the next video in the series on viral cultures and how they are used to falsely claim isolation

Second Opinion - next episode guest announcement!!

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Second Opinion’s next guest will be Dr. Thomas Cowan MD. The interview will be uploaded to the website Wednesday 7th April.

Cowan attended medical school in his home state of Michigan at the Michigan State College of Human Medicine. After graduating in 1984, he did an internship in family practice in Johnson City, New York.

Thomas S. Cowan, M.D., attended Duke University, graduating in 1977 Summa Cum Laud with a degree in biology. From 1985 until 2019, Dr. Cowan had a general medical practice, first in upstate New York, then for 17 years in Peterborough, N.H., and for 17 years in San Francisco, until his recent retirement from active practice. He formerly served as vice president of the Physicians Association for Anthroposophical Medicine. Dr. Cowan has given countless lectures and workshops throughout the U.S. on a variety of subjects in health and medicine. He is the author of six books. Five of these books spent time on the Amazon and/or Barnes & Noble bestseller lists, and each was ranked No. 1 in their respective categories, often for many months.

Dr. Cowan is the author of several books, including “Human Heart, Cosmic Heart”; “Vaccines, Autoimmunity and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness” and most relevant to current events, “The Contagion Myth”.

I will be talking with Dr. Cowan about Germ Theory v Terrain Theory, natural healing and, of course, Covid-19 including the Covid vaccine. I will also be asking questions nobody has asked Dr. Cowan before, as well as exploring a new vision for the future of healthcare and caring for our bodies and communities.

I am personally very excited for this interview. I hope you find it fascinating and informative.

Paper View: In Print - Book Launch (Part 2)

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The second part of the Book Launch for Paper View: In Print will be available on the website from Wednesday morning!! The interview will be pre-recorded and you’ll be able to view it on the Videos page.

The first part, streamed live on Facebook on 25th September 2020, was very well received and covered many topics featured in the book. 2 and a half hours of incredible information explaining the world in a different way comprised Part One and there is still so much more to cover in Part Two. Part One and Part Two explain not only global human society in a new way but also put current events since 2020 into their true context. So many aspects
that I wrote about in Paper View: In Print have played out since 2020. As I say in Paper View all the time, “Society is agenda-driven not people-driven” and that agenda is explained in fine, dot-connected detail in a way you rarely find anywhere else in Paper View: In Print.

If you have a copy of the book now, which many people do including in America and there is also interest in Europe, you will be able to follow along as I discuss the book this time. The book is available here:

I am delighted that Part One reached a lot of people and I am looking forward to Part Two. Stay tuned for more narrative-busting, paradigm-challenging and worldview-changing information!!

Second Opinion - first episode!!

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The first episode of Second Opinion is now available!! Check out the episode using the player below.

My first guest was Jason Christoff. Jason is a health clinic owner, exercise specialist, self-sabotage coach and health writer. He focuses the bulk of his work on educating his clients on healthy living principles and overall life success. I enjoyed talking to Jason and I found it compelling that he was saying many things I have been saying myself for many years about the toxic nature of our society, both in terms of toxins and human interaction and the way we treat our bodies and live our lives. We talked about the destructive nature of human life and why people tend to follow the crowd. We talked about how the education system is fundamental to this situation. We talked a little about the reality of germs and viruses and finished on a positive note talking about solutions. Jason talks about what he calls ‘brain hacking’ and how people can hack their own brains to bring about a positive outcome in their lives.

Modern society is a thriving cosmopolitan; with diverse metropolises; cutting-edge health, news and education; a benign if greedy ruling class and a march towards the highest of high-tech, augmenting humanity’s capabilities to allow us to achieve new possibilities as a species; a sign of the constant effort to improve humankind However, some people see modern society as a toxin-infested, mind-numbing, health-destroying sprint towards a technocratic dystopia, where individual freedoms are relinquished and humans exist at the mercy of a tyrannical government and eventually, a malevolent artificial intelligence.

Noam Chomsky once said:

As long as the general population is passive, apathetic, diverted to consumerism or hatred of the vulnerable, then the powerful can do as they please, and those who survive will be left to contemplate the outcome Here to give a second opinion on the matter is Jason Christoff, a health clinic owner, exercise specialist, self-sabotage coach and health writer. Jason focuses the bulk of his work on educating his clients on healthy living principles and overall life success.

Join us for a fascinating, insightful and important journey talking about brain hacking, self-sabotage, how our society breeds illness and even humanity's subconsious mind...

Virology: A Reappraisal

I have written the following as a comprehensive, detailed and hopefully cogent explanation of the methods used in modern virology and their flaws. I have gained this knowledge from medical professionals and from my own verification and research. I have examined published scientific papers to this end. I hope you find it informative and this should also enable you to compare the methods described herein to published papers, not least those claiming isolation of SARS-CoV-2. I am packaging this monograph free with every copy of Paper View: In Print but you can of course just print-out your own copy if you so wish.

Virology: A Reappraisal
by Daniel Ford

The study of virology dates back to the early 19th century. The field of virology has made significant advancements since the 1800’s while its methods remain questionable. In this monograph, I shall explore and describe the flaws of this particular field of study still present today, and in so doing, explain not only an alternative methodology for the discovery and identification of viruses but the only true methodology. I shall also relate my findings to the current SARS-CoV-2 virus and explain what this means for the disease known as Covid-19, now presently considered a global pandemic.

What is a virus?

A virus is a microorganism on the nanometer scale, beyond the range of human sight. A virus contains RNA or DNA (genetic material) and this genetic material is housed in a casing which allows for contact with receptors (receivers) inside the body. For example, the spikes of the coronavirus allow for a lock-and-key mechanism, whereby the spikes bind to the receptor and then the virus can release its genetic material into cells and replicate.

Viral Identification

The process of identification of a new virus includes three key stages – isolation (purification), sequencing and characterisation. Without all these stages being completed, a new virus cannot be proven to exist and cannot be fully understood. Isolation is the single most important step because everything else that follows, including in the governmental and societal sphere, is based on the assumption that the infectious agent has been isolated. The process of isolation or purification of a virus, for instance, a respiratory virus, involves taking a sample of lung fluid or sputum from a sick individual and filtering the sample, which removes material like bacteria and other material which is bigger than viral particles and bigger than the size of the filter, thus leaving only viral particles. Lung fluid (commonly referred to as bronchoalveolar lavage fluid or BAL in scientific papers) can contain bacterial cells; debris from dead or dying cells; exosomes (which are very similar to viruses); free genetic material, and other material so filtration is necessary. The filtered fluid is then added to a density gradient reagent, a liquid solution with a specific density measurement, and a centrifuge, which is a piece of laboratory equipment with a wheel powered by a motor, which is used to spin the sample material at high-speed using centrifugal force. The viral particles eventually form a sediment, or band of material, and the particles can then be extracted using a pipette. The viral particles can then be visualised and examined under an electron microscope, which can see material on the nanometre scale, and sliced open to reveal the genetic material inside and this genetic material can then be sequenced, meaning understood from a genetic perspective and characterised, which means compared to other previously identified viral genetic material. Published papers claim to have isolated the SARS-CoV-2 virus. However, further examination of their methods reveals lack of filtration and centrifugation.

Proving Infection

An often-cited method to prove infectious capacity and nature is a set of criteria known as Koch’s Postulates, which have been in use since 1890. These are the 5 stages:

The microorganism must be found in abundance in all organisms suffering from the disease, but should not be found in healthy organisms.

The microorganism must be isolated from a diseased organism and grown in pure culture. The cultured microorganism should cause disease when introduced into a healthy organism.

The microorganism must be re-isolated from the inoculated, diseased experimental host and identified as being identical to the original specific causative agent. In other words, the infectious agent must only be found in abundance in people or animals suffering from the disease it is claimed the infectious agent is causing but not in healthy people or animals.

The infectious agent must necessarily be found in abundance as it is not only the presence of an infectious agent which causes disease and illness but the amount replicating and circulating within the body of the person or animal. In virology, this is known as viral load. The infectious agent must be isolated in the above described manner, and introduced into a healthy person or animal, and they must show symptoms.

The infectious agent must then be re-isolated from another infected person or animal and proven to be identical to the original infectious agent and introduced into another healthy person or animal and they must again show symptoms.

This proves a clear cause-and-effect. This process may be repeated one or two times to prove repetition, an important scientific principle. Another set of criteria, building on Koch’s Postulates, were introduced in 1936 known as Rivers’ Criteria, after Thomas Milton Rivers, an American bacteriologist and virologist, a former director of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. Rivers proposed that a specific virus must be found associated with a disease with a degree of regularity; this is significant because as any virologist knows, association is not causation. Rivers also proposed that it is not obligatory to demonstrate the presence of a virus in every case of the disease caused by the virus; this would mean not proving that the infectious agent is the cause of the disease which runs counter to the entire foundation of germ theory. Rivers claimed that satisfaction of his modification of Koch’s Postulates does not necessarily indicate the active agent was present in the original material used for inoculations of experimental hosts and that upon satisfaction of the criteria, one can be fairly confident that a disease is caused by an infectious agent. Rivers’ Criteria would seem to be a shortcut compared with Koch’s Postulates while only capable of proving a weak association between a virus and the cause of a disease. Rivers stated, as recently as 1936, that it was obvious that Koch’s Postulates had not been satisfied for viral diseases. Neither Koch’s Postulates nor Rivers Criteria have been satisfied for the SARS-Cov-2 virus.

Viral Culturing

The criteria stipulate that the infectious agent must be grown in a pure culture which is used to observe the reproduction and effects of a microorganism by allowing it to grow in a petri dish in a replication of its ‘natural’ environment. Viruses, however, given that they are not living organisms in the first place, cannot be grown in a pure culture as they cannot survive without the provisions of a living host cell, in human or animal cells, for example. Viruses are cultured in a host cell and cytopathic effects are observed, meaning the effect of the virus on cells. Viral culture is cited as evidence of isolation of the virus even though isolation means separation from anything else. Viral culture has nothing in common with genuine viral isolation previously described. Viral culture has been the standard method of viral identification since 1954 after John F. Enders perfected the method to allegedly identify the virus of measles. Viral culture would be better called tissue culture or cell culture as nothing about the method proves a virus without first isolating the virus which is often the case. Viral culturing in virologic study is commonly subject to serious flaws and a lack of control experiments. The first flaw is the lack of isolation of the viral material. For the study of human viruses, human host cells are often not used, instead, Vero cells, particularly, Vero E6 cells, which are monkey cells or monkey rhesus kidney cells, are the most commonly used form of host cell. A solution claimed to contain the virus, without the virus being first isolated, is inoculated into the host cells, and over a specific time period, cytopathic effects are observed. Another flaw is the host cells are not cultured with the viral material and left to thrive in a replication of their optimal, natural environment but are given minimal growth media, meaning the cells are starved of nutrition and mixed with antibiotics, known to be toxic to cells, and very often, bovine calf serum, which can itself contain various types of material including genetic material. Naturally resulting cytopathic effects from such an environment are then claimed to be the effects of the virus. Two forms of control experiment should include inoculating healthy cells with viral material in a culture which allows the cells to thrive and healthy cells in a culture without the viral material but with the antibiotics and other toxic or infected material. The first form would prove the virus is the cause of the cytopathic effects and the second form would prove the culturing with toxic and infected material was the cause of the cytopathic effects.


When a virus’ genetic material has been extracted and fully sequenced end-to-end, the viral genome is compared against a database of previously sequenced viral genomes (RNA or DNA sequences) to understand the kind of virus being compared. However, viruses are often ‘identified’ using the methods previously described and, in such cases, entire intact viral genomes are not being sequenced, only tiny snippets of RNA or DNA not correctly established to be of viral origin. RNA and DNA are composed of base pairs, which bond together. A-T or G-C in the human genome, for example. In viral sequencing, only short snippets of RNA or DNA base pairs from an unpurified tissue or fluid sample out of 30,000, for example, may ever be sequenced. Computer sequencing software is then used to fill in the blanks. Even in the event of correct and genuine isolation, purification and sequencing of a virus, characterisation is limited as so many viral sequences are, for the most part, computer-generated. As a result of this method, attempts at sequencing by several study groups will produce different sequences as the computer software will produce different genomes. The actual genome is finally decided upon merely by consensus. A common form of sequencing is Next Generation Sequencing, which is designed to identify genetic fragments from already identified genetic sequences extracted from previously purified infectious agents, not to identify the genome of a new infectious agent, although it is often used for this purpose.


Viruses can be mistaken for other forms of particle. SARS-CoV-2 particles are often mistaken for exosomes. These are secretions of a poisoned cell. The body releases exosomes regularly, but they are especially released upon poisoning, toxification or irradiation (including the non-ionising form of wi-fi, Smart meters and 5G). Exosomes are extracellular vesicles, which are used for communication with other cells. Exosomes are a natural response of the immune system. SARS-CoV-2 particles can be indistinguishable from exosomes in all the major ways. Exosomes are said to be 500nm (nanometres – billionth of a metre) inside the cell. Exosomes are housed inside multivescicles, which are 500nm in length. When released from these multivesicles, the exosomes themselves are actually 100nm, the length attributed to SARS-CoV-2 particles. Variation in size does occur however. Exosomes are believed to bind to the angiotensin converting enzyme-2 receptors on the cell just as SARS-Cov-2 particles are said to do and both can be found in lung fluid. The damage to the lungs generates the release of exosomes. Viral culturing with toxic drugs and starvation of the cells in the previously described manner will generate the release of exosomes. When viewed under an electron microscope, exosomes can easily be confused with other viral or other forms of particle. It is not guaranteed that viral particles will be visualised under an electron microscope in a viral culture constituted of the previously described material, but it is guaranteed that exosomes will be visualised as a recipe has been used in the culture which leads to their release from the host cells. When electron micrograph ‘images’ of a virus are shown, in many cases, they are particles or vesicles from the tissue culture with the cytopathic effects. The particles or vesicles are claimed to be discovered by zooming in to the tissue culture and claiming a certain particle or vesicle is the virus particle. However, the tissue culture contains toxic and poisonous material, leading to particles or vesicles not of viral origin to break away from an infected or dying cell. Electron micrograph images claiming to show virus particles are distributed by health bodies as evidence of isolation of the virus. The point is, however, that virus images derived from tissue or cell culture constituted in the previously described manner may contain a variety of particles or vesicles. Another case of mistaken identity is what are known as clathrin-coated vesicles. A vesicle is a structure within or outside of a cell and is used for secretion, excretion or transport of material within the membrane of a cell, which surrounds and encloses the cell’s contents. Clathrin-coated vesicles resemble SARS-CoV-2 particles with visible ‘spikes’ on their surface. This is also the case for Copi and Copii coated vesicles.


A common means of testing for infection with a virus, and indeed, the method most used to test for SARS-CoV-2, is known as the RT-PCR test (real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction). The test is used to reverse transcribe RNA into DNA. The test uses an enzyme called reverse transcriptase to transcribe the genetic material allowing for a pre-determined amount of copies to be made to allow for easier study of the genetic material. The test is calibrated using primers, which are pre-set genetic sequence codes, the viral genome. Each test will be using a certain primer. The primer is basically the viral genome template which the test will search for within the sample from the test subject. The test takes a minute amount of RNA and ‘amplifies’ the material; in other words, more of the genetic content in the sample is made available for the test to detect. The amount of amplification of material informs the likelihood of a positive result as the more material is amplified, the more other material present in the body, which may or may not be of sufficient viral load or potency to cause illness and may or may not even be viral or bacterial, can be detected by the test and register as positive. Samples can also be diluted or used neat which can also inform the result. In the case of SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses, the entire, intact genome has never been extracted from a purified viral particle and has never been discovered. The RT-PCR test cannot detect SARS-CoV-2 because the primer sequence is based on a largely computer-generated sequence created in the previously described manner. Also, some viruses are known as symbiotic viruses, which are naturally present in the body and each will have their own genetic material. When a virus infects a sperm or egg cell, providing fertilisation occurs, the viral genome will be copied into each and every cell of the offspring, and that offspring can then pass a copy of the viral genome onto its offspring. This is known as a fully endogenous retrovirus, which forms part of the human genome. Without correct isolation and purification of a viral particle, short snippets of RNA or DNA from retroviruses can be extracted from a body sample and declared viral and used as part of a template for a test and register positive. Junk DNA, or non-coding DNA, meaning DNA which does not code for a protein, may be involved with facilitating retroviruses. The antibody test is claimed to detect the presence of previous infection with a specific infectious agent to which the body responds by releasing antibodies. However, antibodies can be present from a wide variety of different causes and SARS-CoV-2 is only one form, it is claimed, of a family of coronaviruses, known as Coronaviridae, which are present in many people’s bodies and generally never make their presence known, even for people with weakened immune systems. Vaccinations are claimed to prompt the production of antibodies due to the presence of a live virus being inoculated into the body, thus generating an immune response. However, with the toxic nature of vaccine ingredients, the body will be generating antibodies in response to the vaccine ingredients. These antibodies are then cited as evidence the vaccines are effective. If the infectious agent, in the case of SARS-CoV-2, a virus, has never been isolated and therefore, proven to exist, and has never been proven in viral culturing to be infectious to human cell lines, what, then, is the body producing an immune reaction against? Vaccines are produced by ‘growing’ the virus in a cell culture in the previously described manner and then adding the constituents of the cell culture to adjuvants, including aluminium and mercury, to form the vaccine. The body will respond with antibodies to such toxic material. Antigens, which prompt the release of antibodies, can be present in the body from a wide variety of different causes, including toxicity. Exosomes, which can be confused for viral particles and contain genetic material, may serve the role of absorbing toxins to transport them out of the body, and also warning other cells about the toxicity and poisoning to activate an immune response.


The body has different immune responses to an incoming threat based on the severity of the threat and the efficiency of the immune system in question. The body does not always need to fight infection with antibodies, and this explains why some who test positive for a virus have no antibodies. Symptoms of a viral or other infection are the body’s response to an invading agent or toxin. A fever is actually the immune system using heat to attack a threat. A runny nose is the body detoxing after the mucus membranes in the nasal cavity have trapped an allergen or bacteria and the nose runs to literally drain away the allergen or bacteria from the body. As it does, mucus may drain down to the back of the throat and cause coughing, and a tickly throat will result. Throwing up is the body literally flushing out a virus or bacteria or toxins through the mouth. This is why people throw up when they have a hangover because alcohol is a toxin and the body is flushing out the toxin. This is why pure alcohol, ethanol, is so dangerous to the body so the alcohol content has to be diluted to make the drink safe to consume. Too much alcohol (poison) kills the bodies’ own microbes. The body is dealing with the threat by instigating these immune reactions. Mainstream medicine treats these immune system responses as a problem in themselves and will prescribe a drug to suppress symptoms when the symptoms are the immune response. Lack of correct identification of viruses limits understanding and options to instigate immunity.


Virology is far from an exact science. We have seen that laboratory methods used for identification of viruses and their genetic make-up are open to interpretation, and what are judged to be exacting standards leave the field and its practices open to confusion and misinterpretation. Virologic study would benefit greatly from a revision of its methods, a crucial step necessary in the field given the societal, governmental, economic and personal implications of relying on its methods and conclusions.

Published papers falsely claiming isolation of SARS-CoV-2 which I have read:


These are some of my references but this is far from an exhaustive list:

Krug, Robert; Wagner, Robert – November, 2020, Virus, Encyclopedia Britannica,

Andrew Kaufman MD – April, 2020, Rooster in the River of Rats, vi Isolation

Culture and Identification of Viruses, Lumen Learning – Microbiology.

Andrew Kaufman MD, Sally Fallon Morell, Thomas Cowan MD - 2020, Statement on Virus Isolation -

Cowan MD - October 15, 2020, Only Poisoned Monkey Kidney Cells Grew The Virus -

F. John - Jun 1954, Propagation in tissue cultures of cytopathogenic agents from patients with measles -

Flavia - May 2020, The Role of Extracellular Vesicles as Allies of HIV, HCV and SARS Viruses -

Segre A. Julia - July 11, 2013, What does it take to satisfy Koch’s Postulates two centuries later?, US National Library of Medicine – National Institutes of Health,

Rivers, M. Thomas – December 29, 1936, Viruses and Koch’s Postulates,

Harcourt, Jennifer et al. – June 2020, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 from Patient with Coronavirus Disease, United States, United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,

Ryu, H. Ann – August 8, 2017, Use antibiotics in cell culture with caution: genome-wide identification of antibiotic-induced changes in gene expression and regulation, Nature, 017-0775

Andrew Kaufman MD – March, 2020, A Breakdown on Current Testing Procedures (or Humanity is Not a Virus),

Miler, E. Sarah and Goldsmith E. Cynthia – September, 2020, Caution in Identifying Coronaviruses by Electron Microscopy, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology,

Dittmayer, Carsten et. Al – October 5, 2020, Why misinterpretation of electron micrographs in SARS-CoV-2 infected tissue goes viral, The Lancet,

Aquino, Erika – July 3, 2020, Covid-19 testing: What does it mean for me?, British Society of Immunology,

Schraer, Rachel – September 5, 2020, Coronavirus: Tests could be picking up dead virus, BBC News Online,

Arnold, Carrie – September 28, 2016, The Viruses That Made Us Human, PBS (Public Broadcasting Service),

Kaiser, Gary – August 15, 2020, 14.1: Cell-mediated Immunity – An Overview, mmunity/14%3A_Cell-Mediated_Immunity/14.1%3A_Cell-Mediated_Immunity_-_An_Overview

Paper View spin-off: Second Opinion

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I am very excited to announce a Paper View spin-off starting in January called “Second Opinion”. The spin-off show will entail interviewing experts in various fields on a particular topic discussed in Paper View once or twice a month.

Open, free, balanced debate is sadly lacking in the mainstream, and especially so with the most important topics. I believe debate is the best way to settle any dispute. Censorship only potentially drives more people to that which is being censored. Technology and the internet nowadays means people can still find censored information in other places. Censorship does nothing towards finding an answer. The establishment are always pointing out that certain people - ‘non-violent extremists’ - have views at odds with the official narrative, but a lot less would have such ‘extreme’ or even ‘dangerous’ views were there to be open debate through mainstream channels exposing such views as incorrect and without foundation. Debate is the only way this can be achieved. This is why I decided to create Second Opinion, to give both mainstream and alternative views equal chance
to be heard and then people can decide for themselves what they think. As any good interviewer should, I will aim to challenge everyone interviewed where necessary, and I look forward to learning a lot myself. I also like the idea of putting alternative perspectives to mainstream experts. There is too much dogmatic thinking in this world at the moment when the only way to move forward is to challenge belief, both our own and that of others. Anything else just maintains the arguing, cursing and division which keeps people from the truth and stops all of us collectively as a society from moving forward in the safest, healthiest and most productive way possible. All
the big and most controversial topics will be covered.

I have some guests I am looking forward to interviewing already in mind but if you know any relevant guests that you think would be worthwhile interviewing, or maybe someone who has a personal relevant story that is being ignored by the mainstream media or is not currently known about in the alternative media, then please feel free to make suggestions using the Contact form on this website. I cannot guarantee I will fulfill every request but I will certainly consult the suggestions for guest ideas.

Episodes will be video-based and available on this website and uploaded to YouTube. Audio versions will be available through Podomatic, as with Paper View.

I hope you can join me. It’s time to get a Second Opinion…

Paper View: In Print Now Available!!


I am delighted to announce that Paper View: In Print is now available!!

Paper View: In Print is my first book and I very much enjoyed writing it. I began writing it towards the end of 2018 after having the idea to turn the transcripts from selected episodes from the first year of Paper View into fully-formed extracts for a book. Very shortly after I started writing, however, I realised I would need to add a massive amount of extra information not in the original podcast episodes. I hope anyone reading the book appreciates the enormous amount of research and fact-checking which went into its near 400 pages. The book also includes a vast amount of images to illustrate the content of the book.

I wrote the book right the way through 2019 and I was planning on publishing it early this year, however, current events delayed its publication as I wanted time to research and write about this in the book as well, which I do across nearly 30 pages in the final chapter.

What I find most amazing is that the first 90% or so of the book was ready to be published earlier this year and, as a result of current events, I have watched ‘predictions’ in that first 90% play out. This supports the thesis of the book which is that society is directed according to an agenda, a very sinister agenda and the very agenda the book is exposing in fine detail, as opposed to what suits the people. When you know the agenda for the world, society becomes incredibly simple to read and easy to ‘predict’ as it’s not even prediction but knowledge. I quote insiders in the book who have made statements publicly and it’s incredible to see their accuracy but not surprising when you know they were only articulating the agenda. Anyone who has access to this agenda, either through being ‘on the inside’ or researching it in my case, can easily predict the future because unless anything intervenes (the whole point of Paper View and the book) then that agenda will play out. Current events at any point in time are not random or spontaneous, and the people announcing the decisions are not the ones ultimately making them, and this fact becomes abdundantly clear when reading Paper View:In Print. If there’s one thing which would transform people’s understanding of society and the world overnight then it’s understanding A) the existence of this agenda and B) what the agenda is and the structure of control and manipulation necessary to implement the agenda, and that’s why I have written the book.

i wrote the book as an introduction and I aiming it mostly towards people new to the information. I have tried to present the information as simply as I can so new people have a springboard from which to go deeper if they wish.

I am proud of the way the book connects the dots and covers a wide range of subjects encompassing the entire spectrum of society, and explains clearly and simply the connections, placing news stories, world events and changes in society in their true context of the agenda.

I talk about all the most important subjects in the book, including how and why kids and young people today are the most targeted generations by this agenda and the eilte behind it. I highly recommend the book to parents.. I detail the technology agenda being driven to a very large extent out of Silicon Valley and how that plays into the agenda’s endgame. The book is stunningly explosive and controversial and doesn’t hold back on speaking truth with no punches pulled on politically correct subjects such as transgender (and how it connects to the technology endgame), migration, Israel and Zionism and other PC subjects. The book also absolutely demolishes the human-caused climate change official narrative, leaving it in smithereens on the floor in a whole chapter about the environment. Human caused climate change is one of the biggest scams to justify the introduction of this agenda in ways I describe in the book.

I also want to say thankyou to you, the listeners, old and new, of Paper View, who still generate great numbers in the listening figures and share and promote the show. You are who I do it for and without you continuing to support the show, there would be no basis on which to write the book, so thankyou.

The agenda for human control and enslavement gathers apace ever quicker now. This book really could not have been published at a more important time in human history…

Paper View: In Print - Book Launch event

The very first Paper View live event!

Paper View: In Print
is available on September 25th!! To mark the occasion, a book launch event will be held in the evening for the official launch of the book.

One of the most important and controversial books this year is published on September 17th. In this book launch event, Daniel Ford will talk through the main themes of the book; why it was written and why the book could not have been published at a more important time. The event will also feature a Q+A as well as revealing never-before-discussed plans for Paper View in future.

More information at:

If you're a regular listener of Paper View, you don't want to miss this event. If you're new to Paper View, book your seat for a night of important, relevant and worldview-changing information.

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