Second Opinion - Fifth Guest Announcement!!


I am excited to announce that Second Opinion’s next guest will be Dr. Andrew Kaufman MD.

Andrew Kaufman is a medical doctor and a natural healing consultant, inventor, public speaker, forensic psychiatrist, and expert witness. Dr. Kaufman completed psychiatric training at Duke University Medical Center after graduating from the Medical University of South Carolina. Dr. Kaufman has conducted and published original research. Kaufman also ran a start-up company to develop a medical device he invented and patented.

Dr. Kaufman is a guest I have long wanted to interview since even before Second Opinion began. I am really looking forward to interviewing him and challenging him on his views on viruses, the Wuhan lab leak theory and more. I will also be discussing the history of virology with him.

As ever, if you have any questions, use the form on the Contact page and I will ask them to Dr. Andy during the interview.