I recently interviewed Mike Donio for Second Opinion. It was a great discussion on Science, the unscientific nature of Science today and how Science should be conducted. Here is the episode description:
Science is the study of the Universe and planet Earth, exploring new frontiers, free of bias, belief or
corruption, to make sense of our incredible and mysterious Universe. New discoveries are communicated and reported to the public through the media which heal sickness and improve life for the global population. Education encourages open minded skepticism and healthy debate, and the public are given all sides of every scientific story.
However, some see Science as a series of fragmented disciplines ruled by bias and corruption, with limitations on reporting through the media and a global Cult in control of the scientific establishment whose narrative is repeated through the education system which rewards compliance to its doctrine and punishes questioning and deviating from its narrative. Scientists forging their own path and challenging conventional beliefs see funding stop, mocking from colleagues and derision and ridicule in the media.
Here to discuss these issues with me is Mike Donio, an oncologist, researcher and published scientific author with a master of science degree. Donio was let go from his previous job for refusing to take the Covid-19 vaccine and now challenges the scientific establishment, highlighting the importance of challenging convention, conducting controlled, honest, experiments and, most importantly, questioning everything!
The episode is available here: https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/danielford2014/episodes/2022-08-17T08_14_09-07_00